How To Know If You Found A Good Deal Or If You Should Pass

In this course we show you how we analyze our properties to decide if we want to buy them or not.

Now you can find out whether you found a deal or not.  Just $63

From the type of property to making sure the numbers work, this is the course that will give you what you need to analyze a deal yourself.

Please note: Due to the digital nature of this product, we do not offer refunds.

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Email Marketing Essentials


Email marketing is so underused as a marketing strategy. I have made as much as $105,000 writing 6 emails. I can teach you to write better emails that get opened and that make you money. 

In this 118-page guide, I will show you everything you need to know to start right away making money with email. This works for local businesses and online businesses. (Just $11)

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